About this tool - calculation, comments & additions
This calculator aims to create awareness of how much lifetime (car-)commuters spend on the way between home and work, and what that means financially.
One month is calculated as 4.33 weeks (52 weeks divided by 12 months). This calculator does not take into account:
- Tax considerations and insurance costs
- The costs of the used vehicle
- Environmental costs (external costs, noise, etc.)
This calculator will show how much wasted potential is hidden in our commuting patterns. If economy and society would be organized more efficiently, we could spend more money on our other needs, and at the same time we could gain more leisure time. The Commuter Calculator tells us little about how a reorganization might look like. Its goal is to stimulate a debate on our real needs.
Legal note: For statistical purposes your given data are stored anonymously. Reports are published on this page.
For more information on related subjects please visit:
- The Oil Drum - on peak oil and other limited fossil ressources: http://www.theoildrum.com - The Oil Drum's mission is to facilitate civil, evidence-based discussions about energy and its impact on our future, published by the Institute for the Study of Energy and Our Future, a U.S. non-profit corporation.
- World Carfree Network - the hub of the global carfree movement: http://www.worldcarfree.net - This Prague-based NGO and its website helps to connect all the carfree individuals and organizations worldwide. WCN publishes the monthly multilingual newsletter "WCN News" and the quarterly "Carbusters" magazine, organizes the annual conference series "Towards Carfree Cities" and similar events and promotes World Carfree Day and all kinds of carfree projects. Its database "Carfree Green Pages" features profiles of over 550 groups working on alternative transport and related issues. The website provides resources and links on the carfree way of life in all aspects. Also on YouTube, Facebook, MySpace. Carfree Blogosphere on WordPress.
- Carfree Cities:
http://www.carfree.com - Contains the books "Carfree Cities" & Carfree Design Manual". Publishes the quarterly online magazine "Carfree Times". Discussion on all aspects of the future carfree city in its [carfree_cities] mailing list (biggest carfree list worldwide). Provides lots of images and resources. - Autofrei Wohnen - Carfree Living Berlin Collaborative: http://www.autofrei-wohnen.de/homeEngl.html - German site, partially in English. This NGO promotes carfree housing and aims to create a larger carfree development in Berlin. Its website provides links and information on realized and planned carfree developments, also on carfree tourist destinations - worldwide, listed in geographical order.
Please read an interview with the Austrian professor Hermann Knoflacher on why "Cars Are Driving Us Nuts" at carfree.com
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Thanks for translation help to Markus & Justin.